Are you fit to fly?

Are you fit to fly?

Air travel is generally one of the safest and most convenient methods of travelling. Consequently, an increasing number of passengers with medical problems are opting for this popular mode of transport, without being fully conversant with the potential interaction of their illness with the aircraft environment. Though most of these passengers are able to fly on a commercial aircraft without experiencing much difficulty, special precautions are required to be taken in view of the cabin air being pressurized to maintain an altitude between 5000-8000 ft. Jet Airways requests for medical clearance when fitness to fly is in doubt e.g. following a recent illness, injury, hospitalization, surgery, or a long-standing condition where special facilities (oxygen, special medical equipment, etc.) are required. Passengers with heart / lung diseases or breathing difficulties may have an exacerbation of their medical problems due to decreased availability of oxygen in the cabin and are thus requested to get fitness to fly from their treating physicians PRIOR to making a reservation. Passengers with stable, long-standing disabilities e.g. arthritis of the knee, do not require formal clearance and wheelchair assistance can be provided on request. However, those who are unable to look after their own needs during the flight e.g. transferring from wheelchair to seat, eating, toileting, are required to travel with an able-bodied escort.